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About company

Kondopoga Pulp and Paper Mill, the now Joint Stock Company Kondopoga is currently the largest in Russia and 7th biggest in Europe newsprint producer with an annual output of 710 tpy. The Mill’s construction began in 1922 according to special resolution of the Council of People’s Commissars of RSFSR. German-made “Fullner” PM 1 with 29,500 tpy newsprint capacity came on line 27 June 1929. Machine’s initial speed was 175-200 m/min. The machine was supplied with stone groundwood produced on 3 grinders in groundwood room. Mill’s start-up was supported by Kondopoga hydro power station and heat and power station. These stations were part of a paper mill and provided heat and electric power for the paper machine and three grinders. Two more paper machines, PM 3 and PM 2, had been made in Leningrad and commissioned by 1941. Total annual output amounted to 76,600 tons of paper. 1935 saw the commissioning of sulfite pulp mill consisiting of 3 refractory-brick-lined 130 m3 digesters and pulp drying machine. 1940 the Pulp and Paper Mill turned into a fullcycle mill. 1941, when the Great Patriotic War broke out, most of the mill’s equipment was evacuated to the east of the country. The town of Kondopoga and the Mill’s production buildings were destroyed during the war. Restoration of the Mill began 24 June 1944, immediately after liberation of Kondopoga. First post-war newsprint was produced on PM 1 in 1947. PM 2 was re-installed in 1948. Paper production restoration was completed after PM 3 had been recommissioned in 1950. The Mill fully restored its pre-war capacity in 1951. 1951 saw commissioning of the heat and power plant with 35 ATU steam boilers and two turbo generators with 7 MWT total capacity. The most prominent development stage of Kondopoga Pulp & Paper Mill took place according to two CC CPSU and USSR Council of Ministers’ resolutions (1960 and 1976). Four paper machines with total capacity of 305,600 tpy of newsprint were commissioned 1960 through 1965 including: 1960 — PM 6 with 37,000 tpy of newsprint; 1961 — PM5 with 52,000 tpy of newsprint; 1963 — PM 4 with 108,000 tpy of newsprint. It became USSR’s first wide high speed machine. PM 4 was equipped with the latest state-of-the-art machinery at that time. October 1965 — PM7 with 108.000 tpy came on stream. The machine had been the industry’s leader in newsprint production for many years. A new groundwood mill was built in those years featuring 202B Europe grinders and related cleaner equipment. New acid, cleaner and wood preparation departments were built at the chemical pulp mill, the digester room was expanded by adding 3 bimetallic digesters, 160 m3 each.

Liquor processing had required construction and commissioning of alcohol plant as well as a 2600 tpy fodder yeast department (1965). A new heat and power plant had been built consisting of the boiler house and turbine room, electrical department, chemical water purification, coal supply facilities. The heat and power plant provides Kondopoga with heat (as well as the Mill’s production shops). The heat and power plant also covers 36% of the Mill’s demand for electricity. A great deal of work had been done to rebuild and expand transportation and conveyor facilities. The old roundwood yard had been replaced by a modern one. Constant growth of demand for newsprint in the country to publish newspapers had caused the necessity of the next stage of the Mill’s expansion and upgrade. October 1977 saw commissioning of the first Russianmade wide PM 9 trimming at 6.72 m. The equipment had been made in Izhevsk. The then modern wood preparation shop (8 barking drums) and Groundwood Mill (20 grinders) were being built and commissioned at the same time. The equipment for them had been made in and come from Petrozavodsk. Industrial and incineration boiler houses, cargo fort, finished product warehouses, sheet paper department as well as other industrial projects had also been built. PM8, the USSR’s most efficient paper machine, began producing newsprint in 1981. PM’s design speed is 1100 MPM at 185,000 tpy and web width of 8.4 m. PM 8 increased Kondopoga Pulp & Paper Mill’s total capacity to 758,300 tpy of newsprint. The mill had become the country’s largest newsprint producer. 1983 saw commissioning of biological effluent treatment plant. OAO Kondopoga continuously effects retrofit installation in order to upgrade production and raise its competitive capacity in world market. In 1988-2003 in the framework of the technical re-equipment program paper machines and other process and power equipment went through a three-stage modernization. 

The first stage (1988—1992) New hydrodynamic headboxes and top-wire formers by Petrozavodskmash were installed. Outdated selectifiers were replaced by vertical pressure screens. PM 9 was upgrated under CNEEbummash and Izhtyambummash projects. PM 8 was rebuilt under a contract with Voith. Two bark incineration boilers were reconstructed under a project by EEE of Saint Petersburg and Outokumpo of Finland. Process control systems were installed on all the paper machines.

The second stage (1993—1998) Out-of-date winders on PM 1, PM 4, PM 7 and PM 9 were replaced by modern ones, supplied by Voith of Austria and Beloit of England. PM 4 and PM 7 press parts were upgraded under a contract with Petrozavodskbummash. Two PM 8’s winders were rebuilt under a contract with Voith. The wood preparation shop saw installation of two up-to-date debarking presses supplied by Saalasti of Finland and replacement of two barking drums. 3 grinders were replaced in the groundwood mill. An automated finished product accounting system was installed. Local computer networks were established.

The third stage (1999—2003) Two automated product conveyor systems were installed on PM 4, 7, 8, and 9 to get paper from roll wrapping machines to the finished-products storage area, the equipment supplied by Valmet (Finland). Automated roll wrapping systems by Saimatec, Finland, were installed on PM 4, 9, 7, 10 and partly on PM 8. All the paper machines had their process control systems upgraded. The biological effluent treatment plant went through two stages of renovation using ANOX (Sweden) technology. A local PM9 wastewater treatment system by Krofta (Switzerland) was put into operation. A new core production shop equipped by Core Link of Switzerland came on line. In 2002 a new 60 MW two turbogenerator turbine room was completed and put into commission. A rebuild of three steam boilers under a contract with EEE was conducted enabling them to run on natural gas.

In July, 2003 OAO Kondopoga completed construction and put into operation a 200,000 tpy PM 10 complex. At the moment the PM runs at an operating speed over 1000 meter per minute. Petrozavodsk-Kondopoga gasmain has been constructed since 2000 to be commissioned in 2004. While heavily investing into the main and auxiliary production technical re-equipment, OAO Kondopoga manages to finance social issues improving employees’ working and living conditions like developing agricultural farm, improving medical service, creating recreation and sports facilities. Special attention is given to demographic situation improvement and work with young generation.